My Diary of Us

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Easy Pantry Staple Meals

Being able to create meals from pantry staples has always been something that I think everyone should learn to get comfortable doing, but now more than ever we are all hitting up our pantries to create meals for our families more regularly while we try and keep our grocery store runs to a minimum. That means thinking outside the box to provide a little variety to our families while using things like canned tomatoes, beans, pastas, and other canned goods we have on hand. I am breaking down the most common pantry items and giving you some recipe ideas for each so that you can continue to feed your family delicious food while staying home and using ingredients that are in your pantry and fridge. I am listing up my favorite easy pantry meals by category of the top pantry ingredients to get you cooking in the kitchen!

The idea for this pantry recipe round up is to give you ideas of what you can make with the ingredients you have on hand. You might not have every single ingredient or you might have canned tomatoes versus fresh etc, but the point is you can substitute based upon what you have on hand and go from there. Feel free to get creative based on your own pantry and family’s taste and I am always here to help you brainstorm what you can substitute! (The best way to reach me is by sending me a DM on Instagram!)


Canned Tomatoes:

Note: For any of these recipes that call for fresh tomatoes, canned tomatoes will substitute perfectly!








I hope these recipes give you some ideas of how you can turn simple pantry ingredients into meals to feed your family! Again, I am always here if you have any questions about what to swap out based on what you have on hand for any of these recipes! Happy cooking! Xo