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Easy 3-Ingredient Raspberry Sorbet

Making raspberry sorbet or any sorbet for that matter is one of the easiest and tastiest treats you can make at home. With just three ingredients you can have a delicious summer treat ready in just a few minutes. School is out or almost out for most kiddos and that means summertime is about to be in full swing! That also means lots of snack requests begin and that’s why I love making healthy treats that I can feel good about my son eating over and over again! When the weather is sweltering outside, there is nothing more refreshing than a bowl of ice cream or sorbet! Who’s with me? That’s why you are going to love making my easy 3-ingredient raspberry sorbet all summer long!

I don’t know about you, but I always have a few bags of frozen fruit in my freezer. I use them in smoothies, serve them on their own as a snack, and I even make sorbets out of them! All you need is three simple ingredients and a food processor or high powered blender and you can have a bowl right in front of you of delicious sorbet! It really doesn’t get much easier than this!

Frozen raspberries get pureed with a little bit of coconut water and honey to create the ultimate sweet and tangy sorbet. You can of course use any fruit of your choice or even do a combo of fruits to make any sorbet flavor that you desire or that you have on hand! But there is something about the raspberries here that I just love! The color is stunning, it has just the right amount of tartness, and the raspberries are just the perfect fruit for a sorbet!

If you want to get a little creative with other ways to use your sorbet, you can also serve up a scoop and then top it off with champagne for a fun brunch cocktail or bridal shower cocktail. This combo is one of my favorite easy cocktail hacks because it’s really beautiful and so tasty too!

You are going to love making my easy 3-ingredient raspberry sorbet all summer long any way you serve it up and that I can guarantee!


  • 1, 12 oz. Bag of Frozen Raspberries

  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Water

  • 1 Tbsp. Honey (can add more to achieve desired sweetness)


  • Combine all ingredients into a food processor or high powered blender and process until smooth. (You may have to scrape down the sides of the food processor a few times before it gets smooth.)

  • Serve immediately or freeze.

Tip: If freezing for longer than a day, allow a few minutes to defrost a little before trying to scoop.

If you are interested in more ice cream recipes, you might be interested in some of these recipes.

Chocolate Coated Toasted Coconut Ice Cream

Easy Egg Free Fresh Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Cherry Nutella Ice Cream

Strawberry Rhubarb Cheesecake Nice Cream