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Roasted Fig Scracciatella Ice Cream

I have let y'all down this summer.  I usually have at least a couple ice cream and popsicle recipes for you to make during this time of year and well, I have just been off my game.  Not sure if that is a good enough excuse, but I am hoping to make it up to you by gifting you with a really really delicious homemade ice cream recipe!  My roasted fig scracciatella ice cream is everything I love about an ice cream and I think you will love it too.

So figs...I am going to go ahead and say that they are one of the most beautiful fruits out there.  They only come around for a short time of year (right now), and then they disappear almost as quickly as they came.  It's like they know they are special or something.  To be honest with you, growing up the only figs I ever had were processed inside of a fig newton and it wasn't until I moved to Louisiana that I tasted the real deal.  Shocking I know...but I was immediately hooked!

If you happen to have the same feelings towards figs that I do, then you need to check out my Sexy Fig and Lemon Fizz as well as my fig, honey, and prosciutto pizza with arugula!  Why not make all the fig recipes that you possibly can, while you can, right?

So onto the real reason we are all here, and that is for roasted fig scracciatella ice cream.  Here's the deal, I either want my ice cream super creamy with nothing in it, or I want crunch in every bite and more times than not when I am out and about ordering ice cream scracciatella is almost always the flavor that I order.  And for those of you who are like what the heck is scracciatella, it's basically chocolate chip, but the pieces are chopped up irregularly instead of using the chips!  To me, the texture doesn't compare!  

You are going to drizzle the figs with honey and roast them which caramelizes them and makes them taste like candy and then you will chop them up and add them into the ice cream with the crunchy chocolate bits and oh my's heavenly!  It's a must make and this recipe doesn't involve any egg tempering, so it's about as easy as it can get!  (I told you I am trying to make it up to you.)


  • 1 Cup of Fresh Figs

  • 1 Tsp. Honey

  • 4 Oz. High Quality Dark Chocolate Bar (semi-sweet would be a good substitute)

  • 2 Cups Whole Milk

  • 2 Cups Heavy Cream

  • 1 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract

  • 1/2 Cup Granulated Sugar


  • Heat oven to 400 degrees.

  • Slice figs in half and cut off the stems.

  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay figs on top and drizzle with honey.

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes until figs are soft and sweet and then chop finely and let cool completely.

  • In a small saucepan, warm milk over medium heat and add the sugar and vanilla extract. Heat the milk without bringing to a boil and let sugar dissolve completely.

  • Remove from heat and stir in the cream to milk.

  • Place the cream base into a sealed container and chill thoroughly, at least 2 hours.

  • Pour the ice cream base into the ice cream maker and let churn for 20-30 minutes until ice cream thickens.

  • Chop the chocolate into irregular small pieces while the ice cream is churning.

  • Once the ice cream is almost to the desired consistency, add the roasted figs and chopped chocolate a little at a time until combined throughout the ice cream to ensure they don't all sink to the bottom.

  • Serve immediately as soft serve or store in a freezer safe container for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Make this ice cream, you won't regret it!