My Diary of Us

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Cinnamon Apples

I am super excited to start sharing the recipes I have been making of homemade baby food with you!  It's only taken me 3 months, but I am finally sharing one of my easiest, first-stage homemade baby food recipes!  I'm not gonna lie guys, I have been really struggling trying to get my game together here on My Diary of Us!  Between finishing the cookbook, taking on two other major freelance photography projects, and keeping up with a growing and curious boy, I have been having a hard time balancing my time here with you!  I promise I will get better, but thank you for your patience in the meantime!  Anyway...let's talk about these cinnamon apples, shall we?

I'm going to go ahead ahead and say that you will probably want to steal some of your babies cinnamon apples (okay it's kinda just applesauce) because it tastes that good.  Like, I forgot how delicious apples and cinnamon were together.  So simple, but so tasty!  Canean definitely stole some of Parks's supply the time I added too much cinnamon for a baby and even made a comment that I never have made him homemade applesauce...(insert eye-rolling emoji.)  Puuuulllleeeassseee...

So we started out with solid foods around 5 1/2 months for Parks and it didn't take long for him to become a food eating machine, whose little face lights up when he gets in his high chair because he knows what is about to go down....yep definitely my son.  Since introducing him to the basics we have been really exploring the world of food with him.  At the beginning stages however, you really want to start simple so that baby's tummy can adjust to eating solid foods and you can test allergies etc.  I might have been a little impatient on that one, and was way too excited to let him taste the next food on the list, but just use your best judgment based on your family's allergy history.  One of the best first fruits to introduce is apples and adding a little cinnamon just gives babies a little something extra to help develop their palettes. 

This recipe is super easy, and you probably have already thought of this one, but hey we gotta start somewhere and you can avoid adding too much cinnamon as I did the first time!  I'm an eyeball it kinda cook and with baby food measuring spices is a must because their bellies need you to be precise!


  • 6 Organic Apples
  • 1/8-1/4 Tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Cup Water


  • Peel and core apples.  (I usually do a rough peel, leaving some skin on for extra fiber.)
  • Rough chop the apples and add to a saucepan with the water and the cinnamon.
  • Simmer the apples for 15-20 minutes or until apples are tender.  Add more water as the apples simmer if needed.
  • Add cooked cinnamon apples to a food processor or a high powered blender and process until smooth.
  • Pour apples into baby food storage trays (or ice trays) and freeze for 3 weeks.
  • Food will keep for 2-3 days in the fridge.

*NOTE: I just pop out a couple of cubes from the freezer as we need them and defrost by placing in a small bowl sitting in warm water or I will put the cubes in a plastic zipper bag and then in warm water for a quicker defrost method if necessary.  Each ice cube is usually almost an ounce and would prepare 2 oz. portions at a time at first and are just now starting to do 3 oz!

Your baby will go nuts over this combo, and I can't wait to share even more baby foodie recipes with you in the future!  Tell me what you want to see, I'm taking notes!  Do you want to see more basics or interesting combos or both let me know!  I'm down for whatever!