My Diary of Us

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Sparkling Lavender Lemonade

I know that Monday was a holiday and technically this week should be flying by because it's a "short week", but for some reason that is not the case for me.  I have been ready for the weekend since Tuesday!  Am I alone here, or have any of you felt the same way?  If I wasn't pregnant, this would have a been a cocktail heavy week for me, starting with one of my sparkling lavender lemonade's!  

Sure summer is coming to a close, but it's not over yet and the heat outside will confirm that. This weekend we are supposed to get some "fall" like weather, which for Texas means it will be in the 80's and not the high 90's.  I mean it's not really fall weather at all, but I will take lower humidity and be happy about it!  

When it's hot outside I crave drinks like lemonade.  Sure water too, but sometimes you just need that refreshing glass of ice cold lemonade to quench your thirst.  I upped the ante by adding a lavender simple syrup and some bubbly champagne and ended up with a more refined adult version of your favorite summertime drink.  And I promise you are going to love it!

Whether or not you are sipping one of these after a long day, or serving them up for your weekend brunch, this cocktail is sure to make your taste buds happy.


  • 1/4 Cup of Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 1/8 Cup of Lavender Simple Syrup (Bring 1/2 Cup of Sugar, 1/2 Cup Water, and 1 Tbsp. of dried lavender to a boil.  Let sugar dissolve and turn off heat.  Let steep for 10 minutes and then strain the liquid and let chill.)
  • 1 Bottle of Dry Champagne (for a non-alcoholic version swap champagne for club soda or sparkling water)


  • Combine simple syrup and lemon juice together and distribute evenly into two champagne glasses along with a little crushed ice.
  • Top off with champagne and garnish with lemon slices and a few lavender sprigs.
  • Serve immediately.

This cocktail is super easy to make and you will love this grown up twist on a classic lemonade!  Cheers!