My Diary of Us

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Sundays and Naps

We have a and the hubs...a tradition that we sort of work our schedules around if at all possible.  It's something so simple, but is essential to a successful weekend if you ask us.  It usually involves a full belly and way too much enthusiasm for two 30 year olds to have for such an activity.  Sundays, for us are all about the nap.

This is how our Sundays typically go. 

We wake up, we head to church, we brunch (at home or out), we walk the pups (you know to walk off the delicious brunch), we take an epic nap (crucial), wake up sometimes walk the pups again, I cook dinner, we eat, watch a little TV and savor the last weekend moments before Monday slaps us in the face at 5:30 AM (that's what time Canean's alarm goes off, I usually get out of the bed around 5:57 AM, give or take a minute.)

That combination right there equals Sunday success.  Well...if you are us it does.

This weekend was no different, Saturday was productive.  I went to the farmer's market and then I tested and shot recipes.  Two pizzas, one ice cream, and a batch of cookies to be exact.  I did about fourteen loads of laundry (somehow there are still two more.)  Every week I am just as shocked as I was the week before about the amount of laundry that two people with no kids have.  I literally did not sit down until about 8:30 Saturday night.

Then Sunday rolls around...I have zero desire to be productive.  I know that I have a list of things to get ready for Monday and all I really care about is my nap...our's our thing after all.  Even the dogs are aware of our tradition and they are all on board.

And honestly who doesn't love a great nap?  It is totally what we all should be doing on a Sunday afternoon, frankly it's so hot there isn't much else to do if you ask me. 

I know this tradition must be valued because who is to say that when we have a little "us" one day that our nap time won't be totally bamboozled by this miniature version of ourselves.  Although, we have joked about making a mandatory Chatagnier family nap time every Sunday for when that time does come.  (kidding...not kidding)

The bed stays unmade for the purpose that it will be used again later that day.  And the to-do list for Monday will just have to wait, because we need our naps. 

Everything else will still be there when we wake up.  And if it rolls into Monday, so be it.  I want to savor my Sundays with my little family.

So if you ever wonder what the Chatagnier's are doing on a Sunday afternoon, don't call us...we'll be napping and probably won't answer.

Do you have a favorite Sunday tradition or perhaps maybe just a love for a good nap?